Croeso | Welcome
Croeso | Welcome Croeso | Welcome Croeso | Welcome
If you just want to know a little bit more about the Welsh language, like:
Speaking Welsh isn't difficult, when you find the right way to do it!
It's totally normal for new speakers of any language to be nervous. Click here to find:
"If I could just get more practice, I would be happy to speak more Welsh ."
"I've got a big streak and plenty of XP. Now I want to *use* my Welsh!"
Edrychwch ar ein Gweledigaeth os hoffech wybod beth r'yn ni'n trio ei gyflawnu yma
Look at our Mission if you would like to know what we are trying to achieve here
Hawlfraint © 2024 Cydsiarad
Cwmni nid-er-elw yw CydSiarad cyf, wedi ei gofrestru yng Nghymru, rhif 14776967
CydSiarad is a not for profit company registered in Wales, # 14776967